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The Beginning

The Roman Catholic Church had established itself in the Maritime areas from 1505. In 1820 the  superior of all the Oratorians in Ceylon, Vincent de Rozairo, himself came as the first missionary  to Kandy. He put up a church, which occupied the very same grounds whereon the present  Scots Kirk stands. In 1828 the Scots Kirk site was found to be too small and hilly and  accordingly a petition was submitted to the Governor - General Sir Edward Barnes who promptly  presented the Catholic Church with a new site. It was roughly a square 152 ft. by 150 ft. upon  which the second Roman Catholic Church was built. This is the very same site on which St.  Anthony's Cathedral stands today. 

It was realized that building churches alone would not contribute to the success of the  missionary efforts that commenced in 1820. In September 1843, an Italian Oratorian, Fr. Orazio  Bettacchini was sent to the Kandyan mission who, during his missionary year 1843/44, opened  a school in Kandy on the same premises. But, in August 1844, his successor Fr. Reinaud,

who  continued as missionary until 1848, began his missionary career by pulling down the school,  which Fr. Bettacchini had put up. This was the subject of a letter of complaint made by Fr.  Bettacchini himself. 

Letter from Mgr. Bravi to Fr. Zoppi

Yet, it was not until November 1853, when Fr. Felice Zoppi, a Franciscan from the Chinese  missionary field was sent to Kandy by Monsignor Joseph Maria Bravi D.d., O.S.B., that Fr.  Bettacchini's complaint was looked in to. Fr. Zoppi promptly set about his task by opening a  school for boys and one for girls at the house where he resided, in January of 1854, with a Mr.  Van Twest as Head Teacher of the Boys School. 

This was the birth of St. Anthony's School. Soon after which, Fr Zoppi obediently sent word to  Mgr. Bravi through Fr. Leone Cingolani, informing him of his success in opening the schools. But  the message was never delivered and Fr. Zoppi subsequently wrote to Mgr. Bravi who replied  on 12th March 1854, officially acknowledging the opening of both schools, at the present  premises of St. Anthony's Cathedral. 

Although it is said that; Fr. Zoppi, being a Franciscan, chose to name the school after their  illustrious Saint, there is also evidence that the Church had been dedicated to St. Anthony at a  much earlier date. The number of students on roll at the inception was 62 boys and 28 girls. The  Girls school was shifted to Katukelle in 1887, where a Convent was opened for Good Shepherd  Nuns.

The First Fifty Years

Mr. Paul Poorey took over the administration of the Boys School from Mr. Van Twest in 1855,  contributing immensely to the efficiency and prestige the school enjoyed in its formative years.  Fr. Zoppi left the country at the end of September 1856. In the absence of sufficient missionaries  to take over the school, which was then a parish school, a succession of laymen in; M/s. F.  Peiris, F. De Silva, K.A. Fernando, A. Staples, A.B. Geddes and O.D. Paul, carried on the  administration until 1870. In 1867, St. Anthony's Boys' School was referred as the 'second best  school in English' among all the schools established by the Missionaries. 


In 1870, the Irish Christian Brothers John and Paul took over the administration, temporarily. In  1871, the school was run by Mr. W. Hopp, who managed affairs until 1872 and handed the  administration over to Mr. J. Jorden, who held the reigns until 1875 when Fr. Dom Hildebrand  Vanderstraaten O.S.B. was installed as Principal, marking the entrusting of the administration  and management of the school to the Benedictine monks, who erected the Abbey of St.  Anthony's in Kandy in 1874. Fr. D. Paul Perera O.S.B succeeded Fr. Vanderstraaten in 1876, in  which year it is recorded that boarding life was first introduced, and in 1877 handed over to Fr.  D.M. Craner, until 1879. In that year, due to the scarcity of missionaries, secular teachers  managed the school with Mr. R.P. Jansz as Head Master from 1880 to 1892, working in  harmony with the Benedictine Fathers over a period of twelve years during which time the  school made very good progress. The student population by 1887 had grown to 92; 5 of whom  were boarders. St. Anthony's Cathedral was built in 1876 on the initiative of Fr. Gingolani.

Mr. R.P.Jansz Head Master 1880-1892

Upon Mr. Jansz's retirement in 1892, the Benedictines appointed Fr. Hilarian Leitan O.S.B., who  had only been ordained a priest in December 1891, as Principal. He continued for a period of six  years until 1898. Fr. Leitan was the first, of an unbroken line of O.S.B. Priest-Principals of the  College, to date. During his six years in office, he had the services of a few other Benedictine  monks - Dom Hildebrand Georgesz, Dom Patrick Mckelvie, Dom Dominic Direckze and for a  short term, a Benedictine Father from Scotland, Rev. Ryan whose brothers were in charge of  tea plantations. In 1894 the premises known as "Philips Coffee Store", now a part of St.  Sylvester's College was purchased by Abbot Pancrazi for the school. St. Anthony's had no  playing field then. The use of "Barrack Square" was secured in 1898, for the boys to practice  sport. 


In January 1899, Fr. Maurus Craner O.S.B. relieved Fr. Leitan as Principal of St. Anthony's. All  aspects of higher education were included in the curriculum, that year. In the early days of Fr.  Craner's stewardship, there were about fifteen boarders housed in a room under the belfry.  Capitalising on the new extent of land available, he put up buildings including more space to  house the boarders, which soon grew to number about fifty. Fr. Craner was a workaholic, and  only slept for about four hours a day, in order to perform his duties as Principal, Teacher, Prefect  of Boarders, Accountant, Clerk - all rolled in one. Cricket was introduced by Fr. Andrew  Vanlangenberg O.S.B. in 1903, and a team known as 'St. Anthony's College Cricket Club' 


consisting of staff and school boys was formed under the Captaincy of Fr. Andrew himself. The  inaugural match was played in Colombo versus Colombo Carlton Cricket Club. 

The completion of the first fifty years was marked by the first ever schools cricket match  involving St. Anthony's, which was played in 1904, against Dharmaraja College, with a 109 run  victory for the Antonians. 



Old Red Brick Building -1910

This period of Antonian history could  best be described as 'the age of  

maturity into a College of National  Repute'. In the year 1906, Fr. Craner was made  to relinquish the post of Principal, which  he did with a deep sense of sadness,  but with a feeling of discipline and  obedience, as his services were  

needed elsewhere. He had already  groomed his successor, Fr. D. Philip  

Caspersz O.S.B. who was already a member of the teaching staff. After Fr. Caspersz assumed  duties as Principal, his brother, Fr. James came in as Boarding Prefect. These two brothers, in a  comparatively short time changed the status of the school, making it a College.

On the 20th  December 1907, the Annual Distribution of Prizes was held for the first time on a grand scale.  The Rt. Revd. Dr. C. Pagnani O.S.B. - Bishop of Kandy, was the Chief Guest, and along with Fr.  D.A. Pancrazi O.S.B., he distributed 100 prizes amongst a total student population of 275. The  ceremony was held in what was called the "Big College Hall" measuring 100' x 27'. The  programme opened with a rendering of the chorus 'Over the Hill' by the College Choir and ended  with chanting of the 'Papal Hymn' and National Anthem. 'Electricity & Magnetism' was introduced  as a subject of the 'Cambridge Classes' in this year. 

Along with Fr. Van Langenberg who was prefect of games, Fr. Philip would spend most  evenings encouraging and cheering on his students on the playing field at Barrack Square. The  'Cricket, Hockey & Football Club' (CH&FC) was formed to promote sports at College. St.  Anthony's became the first College to play Hockey, in the year 1907. 17 matches were played  with 10 of them won, 4 lost and 3 drawn. 


Charlie Hamilton 10.12.1896-5.11.1909

Amongst the opposition teams were the likes of Indian Rajput  

Regiment, Colombo Municipality and Bloomfield. Two Football matches  were played, winning one and drawing one and five Cricket matches  were played winning four and drawing one. The first 'Trinity-Antonian'  cricket encounter was played in that same year, with the Antonians  

emerging winners by 14 runs. The irony of it all was that we lost the  use of Barrack Square in that year, when debarred by the Military authorities. However, in 1908 the Kandy Municipal Council granted exclusive use of the  Reclamation Grounds for College sports. 


The roll of students increased to 300 in 1908. Two pupils secured passes in Senior Division and  five in Junior Division 'Cambridge' exams. 'Physiology & Hygiene' was introduced as a subject of  the 'Cambridge Classes'. Athletics began to feature prominently in the sports arena,

with two  Antonian students; D. Vincent Silva and P.M. John, securing first places in the highest class of  the Flat Race and the High Jump respectively, in the annual 'Empire Day' celebrations held in  Kandy on 2nd May 1908. The College Sports meet was held on 4th December 1908 with a list of  events described as follows; Flat Races, Putting the Shot, Throwing the Cricket Ball, Kicking the  Football, Long Jump, Three-legged Race, High Jump, Hockey Dribbling, Egg & Spoon Race,  Hurdle Race, Bun-Eating Competition, Quarter Mile Race, Chattie Race, Obstacle Race, Zoo  Race and a Thread & Needle Race for Old Boys. 


The first ever College publication was released as "St. Anthony's Manual", in 1908, featuring 53  pages of articles and comprehensive reports on all activities of the college. The old red building  near the Bishop's Palace was soon replaced by new buildings that came up in quick succession  in the area of the coffee store and the old cemetery. 

The year 1909, ended in sadness for the whole school and most of Kandy, when College was  robbed of one of its most promising pupils; the little 12-year-old Charlie Hamilton, who had  represented the College First XI Teams in Cricket, Football and Hockey with some heroic  performances in that year, before his untimely death on the 5th of November. The newly  equipped Physical Laboratory was specially dedicated to the memory of little Charlie Hamilton. 

In 1910, Fr. Basil Hyde O.S.B., an old boy of the college who was a member of the staff, at the  request of several old boys summoned a meeting for the 26th December 1910 at the College  Hall, where the 'First Annual General Meeting' of 'St. Anthony's Old Boys' Association' was held.  Very Rev. Fr. Bede Beekmeyer was elected the first President of the Association proposed by  Fr. Hyde himself. In 1912, when Fr. Beekmeyer was consecrated 'Bishop', Fr. Basil Hyde  succeeded him as President of the O.B.A. A total of 152 members had joined the association in  its first two years. The first Branch of the O.B.A. was formed on 24th February 1912 as the 'Uva  Branch', with Rev. Fr. D.M.Craner O.S.B. elected as President, at a meeting held at St. Mary's,  Badulla.

Bishop Bede Beeckmeyer


In 1911, St. Anthony's College played its first inter collegiate Football match, beating Kingswood College by  two goals to nil. Boxing was introduced to St. Anthony's  around 1914, at the same time that Royal, Wesley, Trinity  and St. Thomas' took to the sport. The first ever Boxing  

Tournament in the Island was conducted in 1914, for the  'Stubbs Shield', and St. Anthony's was amongst the teams  that participated. Due to ill health, Fr. Philip Caspersz, who had been  

Principal for nearly a decade, was shifted to hibernate  within the monastic walls of reclusion, and a younger man  in the person of Fr. Basil Hyde, served as Principal during  

1915, until a more permanent appointment was made. In  November 1915, at the close of Fr. Basil Hyde's temporary  tenure of office, Fr. James Caspersz O.S.B., whose  association with the college began as Art Master before his  ordination in 1906, was appointed Principal. He  immediately engaged in the expansion of the College by  meeting the long felt need for better and spacious  

accommodation. In October 1916 a new wing of the College was declared open by Mr.  E.B.Denham, Director of Education, thus providing adequate laboratory facilities for Chemistry  and Physics. In 1917, the Department of Education officially recognized St. Anthony's College  as a 'Fully Organised Secondary School'. An Infants Department for children aged 3-6 years  was inaugurated. The 'Prize Giving Day' was held on 15th December 1917, after a lapse of  three years due the 1st world war, with the Honourable Chief Justice Sir Alex Wood Renton,  presiding. Mr. William Gopallawa, the last Governor General of Ceylon and first President of Sri  Lanka, was among the students who successfully completed the London Matriculation  Examination during this year. The first telephone was installed in College during that year. The highlight of his term of office was the College's performance in the field of sport. Being a  stouthearted sportsman himself, he chose to infuse in his lads the truest type of sporting spirit  viz; Win or Lose it's how you play the game that matters. Consequently, in Boxing (the straight  lefts), Cricket (the record breaking Jack Anderson) and Cadetting (the De Soysa Cup), the  College achieved success and recognition. 


However, for all the achievements of this era, the one that has stood the time-of-test is the  individual score of 291 runs by the legendary Jack Anderson, in a match against St. Thomas'  College Mount Lavinia, played at Colombo in 1918. This remains to date the highest individual  score in school cricket. He also scored five centuries in five successive matches and was the  first to score a century at what is now the International Cricket Stadium at Asgiriya, besides also  being the first to score a century against St. Thomas'. In Boxing, St. Anthony's who were  runners-up in the much coveted Stubbs' Shield Competition on two previous occasions, won the  trophy for the first time in 1918.Thanks to the likes of Robert Wright, L.V. Jayaweera, N.H.  Keerthiratne and the many other Boxers produced during this era, the Antonians remained a  formidable force through the 1920's. Though Cadetting had been introduced to St. Anthony's in  1912, it was not until 1916/1917 that our Cadets were able to make an impression at the annual  Inter-School Cadet Competitions in Colombo, for the handsome 'De Soysa Cup'.

Mr. William Gopallawa


In May 1921, Fr. D. Lawrence Hyde O.S.B. succeeded Fr.  James Caspersz as Principal of St. Anthony's, and his  administration reflected the energizing spirit of his strong  personality, to open new vistas in the history of the College. By  this time the premises next to the Cathedral had been fully  developed with the student population topping one thousand.  Several representations were made for the transfer of St.  Anthony's from the cramped precincts to more spacious  grounds, but to no avail. Finally, it was in 1927 that Bishop  Bede Beeckmeyer, an old Antonian himself, purchased the old  Dunuwille Walauwa, the present premises. The site was  eminently suitable and the beauty of the surrounding scenery  certainly enhanced it. The river, all along one side of the site,  views of Hunnasgiriya and Hantane on two sides and wide  stretches of smiling  open country on all sides. 

Tiny Tots at the Boarding House-1924


On 16th January 1928, the junior boarders were installed at Katugastota with a solemn planting  of trees to commemorate the event. The verandah of the old walauwa served as a chapel. Odds  and ends served as an altar until one was made on 29th January and the place was  consecrated to the sacred heart of Jesus. Fr. Principal himself occupied a room between the  kindergarten and the study hall.

The plague hit Kandy by the end of 1927 and Fr.  Hyde obtained the Bishop's permission to shift at least the junior boarders out of Kandy to  Katugastota. The renovating and reconditioning of  

the new premises thus began in November 1927. A  mass of kitchens and stables had to be turned into  dormitories, dining halls and common rooms. With  drains all around, outer walls had to be bound to the  grounds, the inner walls removed and replaced by  pillars and the roof supported by trusses - a  combined feat of engineering no modern engineer would attempt. Thanks to Bro. Lysons and  the lab-boy William, water service was installed and Titus lamps provided the lighting. The  classes were housed in a shed made of coconut pillars, mango rafters, corrugated iron roof and  wattle-and-daub dwarf walls.




The Occupants of the new Dormitory, which forms the background (The building was declared  open on the 15th of February 1934)

Fr. Lawrence Hyde built a formidable team of pioneers - Mr. P.B.A. Weerakoon, Bro. Columban  Macky, Bro. Joseph, Bro. Lysons and Bro. Timothy - to set about his vision of transformation  that today seems unbelievable. Fr. D.D. Barsenbach O.S.B. who was appointed Director of  Boarders in 1937 complemented this team. 


Classes were started for the boarders and others who cared to come over. Two lads came all  the way past the Kandy school to be in the temporary classes and to share in the spirit of the  new St. Anthony's College, which was rising phoenix-like out of the ashes of the old. During the  first few years the school held classes for Kindergarten up to Cambridge Junior, with an  approximate staff of around twelve, gradually increasing the range to the London Matriculation  and an Inter-Arts form. In 1929, Fr. Hyde had the first permanent set of open classrooms  erected alongside the river, which today houses the primary school. It was here, that in 1934, St.  Anthony's obtained the best results in the British Empire with 100% passes in the London  Matriculation Examination. Twelve candidates were presented for the Examination and all  passed. Healthy rivalry was enjoyed by the Katugastota boys with their counterparts from the  Kandy school in the matter of success at the Examinations, and more often than not, the Kandy  youngsters had to congratulate the Katugastota lads on their performance.

Jack Anderson


Even in the field of sports, the lads of Katugastota had the better of  their counterparts from Kandy in cricket and athletics, first in the  under 16 division and later in the 1st Division. From 1936 - 1938,  

more than half the first XI cricket team were from the Katugastota  school. The boys from Katugastota belonged in those days to the  Maroon House while those at Kandy were in the Light and Dark Blue  



The first playing field at Katugastota was the narrow strip of ground  near the entrance on which the present Centenary Hall stands. The  old Walauwa too is no more. It lies buried under the earth of the  

present playground. The land around the old Walauwa was thick with  cocoa and coconut trees, where cobras roamed. The boys  themselves helped in mopping out operations and the planning and  

clearing of these areas for vegetable cultivation. In 1935, Fr. Hyde completed the main building block of the school and its counterpart running  parallel to it. They stand tall to this day to his credit. The hostellers, who had by then increased  to about 150, had their dormitories upstairs in the main block while the Office; Hall, Library and  Chapel were on the ground floor. The smaller section behind which then consisted of a single  storey, contained dining rooms and some classrooms. The playing field too was gradually  expanded to its present size, thanks to Fr. Van Reyk's share in it. Fr. Robert Perera had the first  Pavilion built at this time.


On the 1st of November 1941, the Kandy branch was officially separated from St. Anthony's  College, now well established at Katugastota, and a new school under the name of 'St.  Sylvester's College' was established with Fr. Robert Perera O.S.B. as the first Principal.

Antonian Champion Boxers


During his record tenure of 23 years (1921 -  1943) as Principal of St. Anthony's, Fr.  Lawrence Hyde achieved spectacular triumphs  in the academic field as well as in sports. On  the eve of his career as Principal, World War II  brought a dark period through the military  occupation of the College. Throughout it all, Fr.  Hyde's spirit animated the skeleton that  survived for four years in private houses and  cadjan sheds into which she moved through  compulsion. The total student population shrank  to about 300 of which about 50 were boarders.  Of all its Principals of the past, St. Anthony's  must be proud of Fr. Lawrence Hyde O.S.B.;  not only as it's architect, but also for guiding  with a sure hand it's destinies through a period  of 23 years of stress, strain and turmoil. His  tenure as Principal remains the longest, to date. In 1944, Fr. Angelo Rosati became Principal,  being nominated by Fr. Hyde to carry on the  task he had begun in a manner that would raise  the prestige of the College as an educational  

institution of high standards and also restore the reputation for sports, which had been sidelined  for four years during military occupation of the College. When the release of the buildings and  the playing field came around 1946, one of the first innovations conceived by Fr. Theophane  Wickramaratne, who led the triumphal return of the boys to the premises, was the adoption of a  cottage system for hostel accommodation. Fr. Theophane was also either instrumental or  involved in the construction of many other College buildings such as "The Rainbow Cottages",  The Tuck Shop", " The Chapel", "Mansion"' "Villa", "Infirmary", and "The Refectory". Living in  small groups, in separate cottages had not only provided a homely atmosphere but also  promoted greater fellowship and understanding. Fr. Rosati immediately reconditioned several  military huts into cosy, comfortable living quarters for the boarders and appointed school  matrons to be in charge of the physical cleanliness of the boys and the sanitary features of each  hostel block. This change had been so effectual in the achievement of greater performance both  in work and play and led to a remarkable reduction of illness among the boarders. 

During his sojourn on the Continent, England and the USA, Fr. Rosati was able to send  sufficient apparatus to equip fully the Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories as well as the  Geography room, raising the educational standards of the College on par with other leading  schools of the Island. The student population grew to a near 1,600 with a teaching staff of 70,  during this period. Classes were conducted in Sinhala, English and Tamil mediums for all  subjects from Grade 1 to University Entrance.


Hon M.D. Banda


1954, the Centenary year, is described as the 'Golden Year' of the College.  Preparations were made early with the laying of the foundation stone for the  Centenary Hall on 20th July 1952, by Hon. M.D. Banda, an eminent Old   Antonian who was the Minister of Education. Fr. Rosati worked closely with  the O.B.A. in order to achieve greater progress for the College. The scheme  for building of the mammoth Assembly Hall to commemorate the Centenary  of the College was sponsored by the Old Boys' Association. 

The Centenary year was a memorable one for both young and old  Antonians. St. Anthony's excelled in studies and sports beyond all  expectations. The most memorable and yet often spoken of event was the  Big Match, in which the Antonians triumphed over their traditional rivals Trinity College by an  innings, with A.C.M. Lafir and Ronnie Stevens putting on a partnership of 276 runs for the first  wicket, establishing a new schools record. As part of the anniversary celebrations, a Centenary  Cricket Match between a Colombo Schools XI captained by M.A.M. Fuard and a Kandy Schools  XI captained by A.C.M. Lafir was played on the College grounds over the weekend of 3rd and  4th April, under the distinguished patronage of Sir Ivor and Lady Jennings. Kandy schools won  the match with a fine captain's knock of 151 not out by A.C.M. Lafir in the second innings. Later  on that year, A.C.M. Lafir whilst still in school, played for Ceylon against the visiting M.C.C. In  Athletics, success was tasted at the Public Schools Meet, with Ivan Boteju winning both the 220  and 440 events and Jeeva Weerasinghe the  100 yards event.

Ronnie Stevens and A.C.M. Lafir


The Centenary celebrations continued  throughout the year with the following events; A Pontifical High Mass at St. Anthony's  Cathedral, Kandy, Annual Prize-Giving with  Viscount Soulbury, Governor-General of  Ceylon presiding, opening of the Art & Science  Exhibitions by Dr. A.W.R. Joachim, Director of  Agriculture, Inter House Sports Meet with  participation of Old Boys, Old Boys' Cricket  Match and Centenary Dinner with Sir Oliver  Goonetilleke, Governor General, as Chief  




The Antonian cricket teams of subsequent years, produced some of the most exciting school  boy cricketers with young Wijepala Premaratne being adjudged the very first 'All Ceylon School  Boy Cricketer' in the year 1956. St. Anthony's College also introduced Rugby Football to its list  of sports in 1956, with Bruce Winter captaining the first team. 

The Centenary Hall was blessed by the Rt. Rev. Dom Bernard Regno, O.S.B., Bishop of Kandy  and declared open by the Rt. Hon. Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, C.M.E. Governor General of Ceylon,  on the 5th September 1957. On the 11th September, Fr. Rosati having visited the College Hall,  collapsed on his way back to his room and breathed his last shortly thereafter, sending shock  

waves through out the country. 

Father Hilarion Rudolph, a Graduate of the University of Oxford, came to St.Anthony's as it's  Principal in 1957, having to succeed a Principal of the caliber of Fr.Rosati, whose early demise  at the height of his career spread a veil of emotionalism in the college. He did good work for the  school maintaining the high standards the College had already reached. 

In 1959, the Primary School and the Rainbow Cottages lost the services of an able leader in Fr.  Leo Nanayakkara, who was ordained Bishop of Kandy. 

Mr. Cyril Brown


In 1961, Fr. Rudolph handed over the reins to Fr. D.I.  Robinson O.S.B., who was at the time Warden of the  

"Mansion" boarding and also Teacher of English. It was  during this time that the school's takeover was announced.  After much heartburn the government finally permitted the  College to continue, but non-fee levying. This was a period of  great hardship, overcome in large measure by the support of  the old boys. Many were the instances when Fr. Robinson  accompanied by Mr. Victor Perera, President of the O.B.A.  and later Judge of the Supreme Court, had to visit Old boys,  parents and well wishers for donations to keep the College  functioning. In spite of these adversities, studies and sports  continued to maintain high standards during this time. The  Island wide reputation St. Anthony's enjoyed as a provider of  top-drawer sportsmen was maintained with Charlie Joseph, a  stylish batsman, being selected as 'School Boy Cricketer' for  two consecutive years. The College Choir, ably trained and  led by Mr. Cyril Brown, also brought many trophies to the College mantle. Fr. Robinson also had  the support of several other Benedictine Priests in Fr. Valentine, Fr. Thomas and Fr. Lanfranc, in  running the Boarding which had by that time attracted over 500 students from all parts of the  Island, including a sizeable number from Colombo. In 1967, an Old Antonian, Fr. Aidan de Silva O.S.B. was appointed Principal in succession to Fr.  Robinson. Hard-pressed by the restrictions imposed upon the College as a non-fee levying  institution, he organized a donation of five years for each new admission to school, thus  enabling an input of funds. Besides giving the school buildings a complete repair, he built the  swimming pool, a new Math Laboratory and six modern classrooms. He organized the Colours  Night on an annual basis commencing 1967 to honour the College sportsmen. Based on a  suggestion made by Fr. Aidan, the President of the OBA, Mr. R. Victor Perera, launched a 'Turf  Pitch Fund' with his own generous contribution of a Thousand Rupees, at the first Central 

Council meeting of the OBA after the Big Match of 1969. The Turf Pitch was completed, blessed  by Rt. Rev. Lord Abbot Dom Pio Federici and declared open on the 30th January 1970 with Fr.  Aidan facing the first ball bowled by Mr. Victor Perera. The College Swimming Pool was built  during his time and St. Anthony's also excelled in Basketball and Tennis, with College producing  the best Tennis doubles pair among the schools. He was also instrumental in launching the  Christmas Carols and Easter programmes which were much looked forward to events. During  this period, the College Choir was invited to perform in a SLBC programme, which was an  honour for any College Choir at that time. Fr. Aidan was also instrumental in recommencing the  regular publication of 'The Antonian' magazine. 


Between the 50's and the 70's, St. Anthony's College had a well-established hostel, with over  500 boarders, who came from all parts of the Island. They were spread among14 cottage type  dormitories, arranged in succession, according to age groups. The hostel was supported by a  

livestock farm, bakery and a fully equipped sickroom, to cater to the needs of the boarders.  During this period, the kitchen and refectory at St. Anthony's College was the envy of all visiting  school teams, who, to this day, talk  

about the sumptuous meals they  

enjoyed at St. Anthony's. 

Rugger Team- 1968


The unfortunate incident that took  place in 1977 changed the  identity/status of St. Anthony's  College Kandy, when the school was  handed over to the government by  the then Bishop of Kandy. In 1977  Fr.Aidan de Silva retired and Fr.  Lanfranc Amerasinghe O.S.B., who  was warden of hostels took over as  the Principal. He had to struggle hard  to keep the school running as a  

government institution. He emerged  unscathed and handed over the reins  of the college in 1979 to Fr. Stephen Abraham O.S.B. who had to manage the school with  limited resources. The hostel was run independent of the school, by the Benedictine Fathers,  who also had the income generating sections - the hall, the swimming pool and the tuck shop -  under their jurisdiction. This bifurcation made it difficult for the new Director-managed College to  survive, minus all its wonted resources. The facility fees of Rs.5/- per student, was all it got. 


What Fr. Stephen did do under the circumstances was remarkable. His enthusiasm made Hon.  R. Premadasa, Prime Minister at the time, donate a two-story block of classrooms, which forms  one wing of the school and is called the "Premadasa Block". Most of all, he earned the fullest  cooperation of the old boys to support his bid to elevate the college as a most prestigious centre  of education, not only in the central province but also in the country. 


1981 was a memorable year for Antonian Cricket, when they beat Trinity in the Big Match for the  very first time at the Asgiriya Ground, thus ending what was thought to be a jinx. 

In 1982 the Colombo branch of the OBA undertook a gigantic task when, under the presidency  of the then minister of Power and Energy, K.D.M.C. Bandara, they embarked on a project to  develop an Indoor Sports and Pavilion Complex at the Katugastota grounds. However, with the communal troubles the country faced since 1983, raising funds became a difficult task up to  about 1989. The project, named "Bishop Leo Nanayakkara Sports and Pavilion Complex", was  planned in three stages. The first stage consisting of a gymnasium, badminton and table tennis  courts was finally completed in 1991 with the help of funds collected by the old boys and Fr.  Stephen Abraham. In March 1992 this Sports Complex was officially opened by Mr. K.D.M.C.  Bandara and handed over for use by  the College. 


Hon. K. D. M. C. Bandara at the  opening of the Sports Complex

The 'College Diary' was re-introduced  in 1987 after a lapse of several years,  and has continued to be published  annually, ever since, making available  the yearly plans of College to the  Antonian community. A Public Address  system was installed in 1988,  

effectively enhancing better  communication within the vast area of  College. 


The second stage of the project, which consisted of accommodation for visiting teams, a sports  pavilion and public stands was named "Jack Anderson Pavilion" after the legendary Antonian  cricketer. Fund raising for this stage was spearheaded by Fr. Stephen Abraham and Minister  K.D.M.C Bandara. A total sum of around Rs. 4 million was raised in a very short time through  donations from parents, old boys, well wishers and fund raising events such as 'Dances' and  'Coffee Mornings' in Colombo and a carnival in Kandy. This effort enabled the building to take a  shell-shape within a period of just four months and was opened by Rev. Fr. Stephen Abraham in  March 1993 to commemorate the 75th year of Jack Anderson's unbroken record of 291 runs in a  school match against St. Thomas' College, Mt. Lavinia. Finishing touches were completed on  this building in 1993, and has since, been used by the College as its main Pavilion. Work on the  third and final  stage of the  complex  commenced in  1994. 


1991 Cricket  Team

Fr. Stephen  Abraham  displayed his  strength in  standing up  fearlessly for the  principles he  believed in,  when during the  

1988/89 southern revolution, St. Anthony's College became the only government school that did not walk out to revolutionary demands.

Other highlights of his stewardship were the Grand School Exhibition in 1979 to mark 125 years  of the school's existence (1854-1979), which was graced by President J.R. Jayawardena and  celebration of 100 continuous years of Benedictine Monks as Principals (1892-1992). On the  latter occasion portraits of all past Principals were unveiled in the hall by distinguished persons  and thanks offered to God for the innumerable blessings bestowed on the school through the  celebration of a special Holy Mass at which the Archbishop of Colombo and the Bishop of Kandy  participated. 

Rev. Fr. Stephen Abraham


In 1989 Fr. Stephen Abraham celebrated his Sacerdotal Silver  Jubilee (25 years of Priesthood) by building 25 houses for the minor  staff naming the complex "Anthony Gammana" which is a model housing scheme. His versatility helped the school to achieve high  standards of performance in sports such as cricket, rugger, etc.  

while upholding the traditional excellence in studies for which th e  College has been well known. 

The Department of Education in recognition of the success St. Anthony's had achieved under Fr.  Stephen Abraham, approved the construction of a new three-storey of buildings at a cost of 8  million rupees, in 1994. 

Fr. Abraham, being a firm believer that true character of students could be judged and  developed on the playing field and not in the classroom, dedicated much of his time to the  numerous sporting activities at college. His encouragement of sports paid rich dividends,  particularly in the success the College enjoyed in Cricket, Rugby, Badminton and Table Tennis  during the late eighties and early nineties. Many Antonian sportsmen of that era went on to  represent National teams, with two in particular, receiving international acclaim. Priyantha  Ekanayake who captained the Sri Lanka Rugby Football team for a record ten years, with much  success, continues to play a leading role as an administrator and coach at national level. The  other of course, is the World's Best Off Spin Bowler in cricket; Muttiah Muralitharan, who  continues to take all world records  

before him. 


New Three-Storey Block

The early and mid nineteen-nineties  were some of the best years for sports  

at St. Anthony's College. The Cricketers  won three major awards at the  'Island/Pure Beverages' and six major  awards at the 'Bata/Observer'  competitions in 1990. Muttiah  

Muralitharan - "Best Schoolboy  Cricketer of the year" & "Best Bowler",  Nuwan Kalpage - "Best Captain", and  Sajith Fernando - "Best Batsman" were  among them. Sajith Fernando was also  selected the "Best All-Rounder" at the 'Bata/Observer' ratings in 1991. The greatest moment  however was in 1993, when three Antonians; Ruwan Kalpage, Muttiah Muralitharan and Piyal Wijetunge were selected to play for Sri Lanka in the first Test Match against South Africa. A  fourth Antonian; Sajith Fernando was also in the reckoning but sadly missed out. Mahes  Gunatilleke, Bernard Perera and Marlon Von Haght were the other Antonians to have  represented Sri Lanka at Test Cricket in the nineteen-eighties. 

The Paddlers, spearheaded by Christopher Arnolda & Umesh de Alwis brought much fame to  College. Arnolda was seeded No: 1 and Alwis No: 5 at National level, and both went on to  represent Sri Lanka in later years. 


The Shuttlers dominated the local schools Badminton tournaments through most of the last  decade of the century, with as many as ten Antonians winning National Titles. 

The Ruggerites continued to hold their own against top Rugby Schools, and was a major feeder  of quality ruggerites to the local club teams in Kandy & Colombo, with many Antonians going on  to represent the Country. The Old Antonians Rugby Football Club has been a major support  base ever since their  inauguration in the  early nineteen nineties. 


Bishop Leo  Nanayakkara Sports  & Pavilion Complex

Having served as  Principal for sixteen  long years (1979 -  1994), Fr. Stephen  Abraham retired,  content with what he  had achieved for St. Anthony's College Kandy. He was the second longest serving Principal,  next to Fr. Lawrence Hyde. 

Fr. Hilarion Fernando O.S.B. succeeded Fr. Stephen Abraham in April 1994, as the twenty seventh Principal of St. Anthony's College, in its 140th year, and completes ten years in the seat  on this auspicious occasion of the Sesquicentennial of College. He is also the fifteenth member  of the 'Sylvestro Benedictine Order' (O.S.B.) to hold the post, in 112 years. Prior to his  appointment as Principal, Fr. Hilarion served as Warden of Hostels from 1983 - 1991, and as  Principal of the Primary Department from 1990 - 1994. 

Old Boys Association Parent Body and Colombo Branch jointly organized a Gala Dinner at the  Hotel Suisse - Kandy, on 5th November 1994, to bid farewell to Fr. Stephen Abraham and to  welcome Fr. Hilarion Fernando.


Rev. Fr. Hilarion Fernando


The OBA (Colombo Branch) published  a directory of Old Antonians, titled  "ANTONIAN CONNECTION", in 1994.  This spiral bound publication was not  only a first for Antonians, but also the  first of its kind among all schools. The College Council inaugurated in  1972, functioned continuously as the  supreme body of decision making on matters pertaining to College within the  frame of rules and regulations of the Department of Education. The Council consists of twelve  members at present, headed by Rev. Fr. Principal and including Prefect of Discipline, Prefect of  Games, Sectional Heads and Staff Guild President.


The Sports Council, which was formed subsequently, continues to govern on all matters relating  to sports. Headed by Rev. Fr. Principal, the Council consists of Masters in Charge and Coaches  each sport. 

The third and final stage of the "Bishop Leo Nanayakkara Sports and Pavilion Complex", was  completed in 2000, with the Badminton Courts within the complex being upgraded with Air cushioned flooring in 1999, to accommodate National Tournaments. The three storeyed block in  the upper school was completed in 2001. The "Sesquicentennial Block" of classrooms in the  quadrangular was completed with the assistance of parents of the upper school, in 2003. The  Primary section too received a new block of four classrooms and a computer laboratory in 2002  with financial assistance from the Central Provincial Ministry. Computers and related equipment  for the laboratory were obtained through funds collected by parents of the Primary section. A  new 'Jubilee Building' was constructed for the Primary in 2003, through the collective efforts of  the parents. 


Primary School Computer Center

The student population in the last ten years  has averaged 2,700, with 2100 in the Sinhala  Medium and 600 in the Tamil Medium. The  

Academic Staff has progressively increased  with development of curriculum, to number  126 as at 2003. The Non-academic Staff  

counts 36 employees. High standards have been maintained in  National Examinations with an increase in  passes at the G.C.E. (O/L), from 66% in 1990 to 90% in 2002, in the Sinhala medium, and from  33% to 95% in the Tamil medium. Both mediums have also recorded rapid increases at the  G.C.E. (A/L) examinations. Antonian Undergraduates at the Peradeniya Campus alone, counted  over 150 in all Faculties, in 2003. 


The opportunities are many for every Antonian student to participate in a variety of co-curricular  activities, especially in sports. The College also believes that religion is an essential and indispensable requisite for the moral and intellectual formation of a child, all denominations are  given equal right to practice their faith without discrimination. The Catholic Students Federation,  Buddhist Students Union, Hindu Society and Islamic Majilis play a vital role, inculcating spiritual  values through the conduct of religious programmes.


Several Cultural Societies contribute in motivating students to participate in a variety of activities  such as Dancing, Music, Art, Drama and Oration. Several have even won prizes and trophies in  All-Island competitions, in both Sinhala and Tamil mediums, bringing additional fame to St.  Anthony's College, Katugastota. 


The Boarding, which continues to be administered by the O.S.B. Monks independent of the  Education sector, has seen a drastic drop in numbers, primarily due to the "2-mile-radius" rule  for admission of new students. The total number of Boarders in 2003, barely counted 100. 

The OBA, Colombo Branch, appointed a Sub committee of 'Ex-Boarders' in 2003, to rally round  as many past boarders, with the objective of restoring the facilities to its previous best. This is  the first ever known body of Ex-Boarders. 


The Old Boys Association, with Branches in Colombo, Nuwara Eliya, Australia, Canada and  England, have provided much support to the College authorities and students over the years.  The annual highlight of all the OBA functions; is the "SACKOBA BALL", a grand dinner-dance  organized by the Colombo Branch to raise funds for its supportive activities each year. At the  SACKOBA BALL 2003, which was held at the Colombo Hilton on 4th October, the Colombo  Branch launched its brand new web site; . This site has been a great  success, particularly in communicating information on the SESQUICENTENNIAL, to Antonians  at home and abroad. 


Old Antonians in prominent positions of life throughout the world, keep increasing each year,  with a distinct common yearning from each and everyone, to revisit their Alma Mater and  reminisce their childhood at this mighty seat of education.

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